Sunday, June 19, 2011

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  • 485Mbe4001
    08-13 05:14 PM
    Thank you. you are one of the very few, i commend you on your post and support.

    The last couple of VBs have brought out the worst amongst us, so much for together we stand, after reading the posts, it was more like 'you stand while i climb over you' :)

    I started a thread couple of weeks back. It met an untimely death because of lack of participation from people. Just to revive your memory :

    Today we are here almost on the verge of disintegration as an organization. And this is because we always believed in our minds that we are nothing but a bunch of opportunists coming together for our individual cause of getting a GC. What we see today is an outcome of what we always believed. Soon EB2 will disappear, and EB3 will be left alone fighting for their GC's. And at some point of time they will also go away, all that's left will be "guests" using IV as a discussion forum. May be what I suggested can be termed as "Quixotic" but unless we aim high, we will never reach high.

    Guys, I am an EB2 with PD in 2004, but I will always stand together with you, no matter what. A GC for myself alone will never satisfy me, because number of my friends, my family members are in EB3, and I am not mean enough to celebrate for myself when majority of my friends and family members are sad.

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  • kopra
    05-02 09:43 AM would have been nice if we got the stimulus pakage with this situation of spouse on H4/ITIN. I called my congresswomen and wrote a letter to IL Senator(obama) to let her/him know this issue. I dont expect any action, but since they are aware of this situation, may be next time when they give this pakage( may be 10 years from now) they will include H4's

    Many H1s like me have their non-working spouses on H4 visa who are not given SSNs. Do we not pay taxes ? Do we not pay Social security ? We do, and therefore we should also be eligible for the Stimulus package. Indeed my son is autistic and disabled but we are not eligible for any kind of aid but we pay tons of taxes and social security. It is highly non-justified think. I know people will argue a lot if it is compared to slavery. But it is a "modern form of slavery". Yes, we are in this country with our own will but that is what they are making use of.

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  • sathishav
    05-06 10:48 AM
    I am in a similar boat I got by second 140(EB2) approved this week. How do I know if my date is ported? Acutually I dont care about porting date I just want to find out if my new approved 140 is now referrencing my 485(filed under EB3) filed in July 2007.

    Thanks in advance for help.

    Did you check the New I140 approval notice? The priority date on the latest I140 will have your Old PD. I believe its also advised you file an interfiling request.

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  • sandiboy
    08-13 05:47 PM
    This is the first receipt i am noticing for an application received on July 2nd at 7:55AM and signed by R. Williams.
    All other recipts so far were either received at 9 AM or 10:25 Am or so (july 2nd, 3rd, 5th etc) but none of them were at 7:55 AM.

    Please see my last post couple of pages back. I also filed on Jul 2nd 7:55AM


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  • apoojo
    04-29 11:05 PM
    Apart from calling all senators, I am thinking of writing to them/their offices as well. I guess different forms of communication would not hurt.

    Many people stuck in the greencard backlog are not even aware of these steps (and organizations such as IV). How can we all help? Spread the word... post the link to Pappu's message in your facebook feed / blog etc.

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  • technolover76
    09-17 08:31 PM
    we are planning to start an LLC as a group of three of them being in india.i was wondering about the tax issues for a member of an LLC if he is based in India.Can he get an tax identification number.thank you.


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  • BharatPremi
    07-06 01:57 PM
    This is too confusing, it looks like USCIS is going crazy.

    No This is a height of Cruelity from USCIS. They must have interpreted lot of phone calls and inquiries as "people might not have understood the revision" as they are not from "English Speaking" countries so change it and put "Flip" and "Flop" together as somebody mentioned ahead. But if people might not have understood "Flip" and "Flop" then how can they understand "Flip-Flop"?:)

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  • gccube
    07-18 08:41 PM
    So, who ever gets to apply I-485 are in much better shape than people with PDs in 2002 or 2003 but do not file I-485 now.


    Obviously if a guy with PD 2002 or 2003 does not apply there is no way he can get the AOS approved.

    But do you mean a guy with PD '2007 May' applies now and a guy with PD '2000 March' (for some unkown reason) applies in 'Oct 2007'. Assuming that the PD cut off date retrogressed to '2000 March' then the guy with '2007 May' PD but with RD '2007 July' would be in a better shape than a guy with '2000 March' PD but with RD '2007 Oct'.


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  • test101
    07-05 02:35 PM
    Called up Sen Casey's office and I was told that in the local office they cant do much about a mass enquiry but he volunteered to do it on a personal basis for my case in particular.

    awsome.. that's a good news....good luck

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  • snathan
    08-24 11:22 PM
    i had put up the previous two posts on this page asking about relief for Schedule A professionals in 2008......time has passed by but nothing has sight of any relief or any schedule A bill........missed the july 2007 fiasco due to employer insisting on 40 day cool off period........have been in US for 6 sign of EB3 india being even close to Oct 2007 (my PD)........employer has refused to file EB2 point other employer ready for EB2........spouse on h4 visa since oct. 2006......have lost all hope and just going through the there light at the end of tunnel???

    I dont have any idea about Schedule A. Did you take part in the poll - want to file I-485 gather here. We are actively working on this. If you want to participate send mail to IV coordinator.


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  • User00
    01-10 10:11 AM
    Some good ideas and thoughts here. Here's my 2c :)
    One thing that no one has pointed out and I wonder if people even care about it, but to me its a BIG issue.
    All our hard earned $$$$ going into the Social Security and Medicare pool. Has anyone even thought about this ? If you look at your figure closely, it is the amount of money that an average american family saves over 1 year.
    I personally feel that it is too big a contribution to let it to waste and for me getting a green card would make me eligible to get all the benefits that I deserve and have rightly earned.

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  • pappu
    11-28 10:36 AM
    Got legal immigration?

    This is a great article. We will be making efforts to get it published. if somone can also write on the innvators ( (If you doubt the contributions of foreign-born workers to our country, you simply need to look at the talent that has provided the United States with a high-technology edge. Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, is Russian-born; Intel co-founder Andy Grove is from Hungary; Sabeer Bhatia, co-founder of Hotmail, is from India; Jerry Yang, originally from Taiwan, brought us Yahoo; Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay, is from France; and Vinod Kholsa, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, is from India.) and how they helped America in the op-ed it will be another angle for us.

    The article can talk about the talent, innovation high skilled immigrants bring to this country and be more specific to the greencard process. The above mentioned URL is specific to H1B visa.


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  • yabadaba
    08-02 09:28 PM
    Immigration - Are we there yet?

    All of us have been stuck at the DMV for hours together, trying to renew our licenses, trying to change our address or for getting married and updating our last name. Now imagine being stuck there for years together, waiting and hoping the line moves forward. This is what constitutes "being in line" for an immigration petition today. The end result is the same. You get a plastic card of limited validity, you are fingerprinted and you have your picture displayed. Only this is what is called a "green card."

    For all the restrictionists out there who think immigrants are taking their jobs, stealing their women and running off with their TVs, we are just like you. Today, I own a home, am part of my homeowners association, participate in the summer block party and try to ensure that my job is not off-shored. We don’t have horns on our heads that makes us stand out from the rest of you. I don’t get paid less nor has a single American lost his job since I was hired. In fact we have grown from a department of 5 people to almost 20,with me being the only immigrant. There are thousands of people like me who have played by the rules, have come here legally and now are being subjected to the quagmire of antiquated immigration policies that make us rethink the American dream. Do you, my neighbor, want us here?

    Today I received a letter from my congressman in response to a webfax asking him to support legislation for granting relief to people affected by retrogression. Retrogression for the uninitiated is the freeze on immigrant visa numbers because of an outdated immigration system. Mind you, for all the people who jump up and say "no to h1-b," this is nothing to do with a worker visa. I have already been certified by the Department of Labor and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service, as an "alien with advanced degree or exceptional ability." This webfax only asked for his support for legislation that would allow the immigration policies to be updated to today's requirements.

    However, my Congressman does not understand that nuance. The letter I received from him talked about my support for H1B/L1 worker visas, which I had not mentioned in my webfax. If our lawmakers do not understand the difference, how do we make our American neighbors understand this complex issue.

    Immigration is a complex issue. It cannot be dealt with Lou Dobbs blaming the immigrants for all the middle class woes; it cannot be dealt with congressmen screaming no amnesty. It is a complex issue of thousands of laws, forms, advertisements and petitions. If it were not a complex issue then there would be no such thing as an immigration lawyer. Countries like Canada and Australia do not require immigration lawyers and the process is straightforward. So then naturally the question comes back of why am I still here. The reason for that is I still believe in the spirit of America. I believe in the American dream. I believe that things will work out. I believe that sanity will prevail. I believe that although I missed the boat half a century ago, I am here now and I am welcome.

    IV member.

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  • pani_6
    01-03 02:54 PM
    I am going back in a few years!..this in Bhoga Bhumi(Land of material pleasures) land Bharath is Punya Bhommi(Land of Good Karma).I am heading home no matter what!


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  • desi485
    11-14 04:01 PM
    I went thru' both links posted above in thread.

    It seems that according to RG, EAD will remain valid till the time to file appeal (MTR), once appeal is filed the applicant would be able to work. He also suggested to go on EAD to save any time remaining from initial 6 years.

    According to RK, EAD will be invalidated, person is to be deported as soon as CIS denies 485 in error. He strongly suggest NOT TO GO on EAD if some one has H1 as an option.

    According to Chandu's blog, RK seems to be correct; but then RG is also a very reputed and experienced immigration lawyer.

    What is correct? Both are 180 degree opposite to each other? Any one?

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  • needhelp!
    05-28 11:10 AM
    Seems like there are so many threads about EAD renewals right now, are we going to be content with renewing EADs for the next 5,6,8 years? While there are no restrictions on discussing individual issues, lets not lose sight of the real cause of our group.
    Contribute so that IV can assign more resources to work on fixing this whole mess!


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  • indio0617
    03-16 10:13 AM
    Got through this time. Same answer... that they will resolve it soon.

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  • leo2606
    07-14 08:14 PM
    Sent $21

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  • gapala
    03-04 10:01 AM
    First of all EAD is not a status. You need to provide them details on whether you are on H1B or AOS / Parolee (if used AP to travel or EAD to work).

    Hope this helps.

    12-18 05:46 PM
    what will be will be

    let's not lack in our efforts though

    there are two campaigns underway:

    add a member and
    contribute at least $20
    by Dec 31

    funds and members...are the key to our success
    please join us in both campaigns
    It will help if we know exactly how much more money is demanded by our lobbyst. Obviously, the money goes primarily to them.

    07-06 01:27 AM
    IV does not need a change in leadership. We have a very effective leadership that is working hard behind the scenes to bring about a positive change to the community. If we have not been noticing major changes, it's due to the passive (chaltha hai chalne do) nature of our community, who don't even lift a finger to swat a fly, until and unless they receive a RFE/NOID/Rejection letter from the USCIS.

    No change in leadership will bring about any change, unless the community changes it's mentality, raises above narcissism, and becomes actively involved in the movement. This requires a "person with the face", a person ready to expose himself as a leader of the movement to motivate others; subjecting himself/herself to death threats (and other threats) from anti-immigrant goons like ITGrunt and others. Our fearless Aman Kapoor has made that bold sacrifice for the ungrateful community which blames him for all our collective failures.

    So before proposing a change in leadership, I request Mr. Bawa to post his personal picture in the IV profile and/or publish a YouTube video of his ideas for the movement ( just like Aman's video on Immigration Voice). I can't vote for a faceless leader hiding behind anonymity. I need a real life person with real ideas. Do we have such New fearless leaders in our community?

    I can post my picture or I may have a video on youtube. I am not trying to blame Aman. I am pointing at the wrong stratergy and a sleeping core team. They were good in 07 but not anymore. Let's find the new leaders. U can take names or call me whatever but I want something done above and beyond the idealism.

    I have met Senators, I have visited Reps and met enough people on IV's directions, Nothing has changed as the directors were incompetent.

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